“The times they are a-changin’ “- Bob Dylan

Times are changing, and so is the accounting profession. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is not just an option; it’s a necessity. We’ve entered a new era in the accounting world, aptly named Practice Proficiency.

The Era of Practice Proficiency

Previously, the foundation of successful Client / Accountant relationships rested upon compliance deliverables.

Practices thrived in this arena of competing deadlines, enjoying robust profit margins, while clients faced challenges in exploring alternative service providers. Historically, compliance alone sufficed to cultivate and retain client loyalty. However, the accounting landscape has undergone a significant transformation.

In the current era of Practice Proficiency, traditional compliance work is now just a starting point. The pursuit of efficiency has taken centre stage, given the potential for narrower margins.

Fierce competitive pricing characterises the domain of compliance services, with firms harnessing the capabilities of cost-effective global resources, automation, cloud services and offshore staffing and most recently, AI.

Compliance work has evolved into a commoditised and “productised” realm, rendering it increasingly convenient for consumers to explore alternatives through online platforms. Notably, the paradigm of referrals, traditionally communicated through conventional means, has transitioned to digital space.

In the current era of Practice Proficiency, traditional compliance work is now just a starting point.

Why Progressiveness Matters

In an increasingly competitive and digitally-driven business landscape, embracing marketing has become a paramount necessity for Accountants to thrive and remain relevant.

Adapt or Be Left Behind

The accounting profession is evolving rapidly. Firms that resist change may find themselves struggling to maintain competitiveness versus their peers who have embraced new ways of marketing and delivering their services.

Client Expectations

Clients today are more informed and tech-savvy than ever before. They expect more than just compliance; they seek strategic guidance and insights. Accountants who can offer value-added services will build stronger, more enduring client relationships.

Global Competition

The advent of remote work and global resourcing requires local Accountants to compete not only with neighbouring practices but also with international firms. Being progressive allows you to tap into these global resources and remain competitive.

Digital Presence

In an era where referrals and client research happen online, a strong digital presence is essential. Progressive Accountants leverage websites, social media, and email marketing to showcase their expertise, organically attract new clients, whilst nurturing their staff and corporate clients.


Amidst the challenges posed by Practice Proficiency and the ever-evolving accounting, legislative and economic landscape, it’s imperative to foster a progressive approach. To remain competitive, adaptive, and exceed client expectations, the establishment of a robust online presence are the cornerstones of a forward-looking accounting practice. By embracing these principles, you’ll not merely navigate this new era but flourish, delivering unparalleled value to your clients and solidifying your practice’s leadership in the industry.

If you’re ready to embrace progressiveness in your accounting practice and elevate your firm’s digital presence, Corient Media Partners is here to help. Contact us today to discover how our specialised marketing services can propel your accounting firm to new heights of success in a rapidly changing landscape. Thrive in the digital sphere with us!

Published On: June 23rd, 2023 / Categories: Content Marketing, Digital Marketing / Tags: /

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